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Matt Polizzotto (Matty P), Associate Professor

Matt is an associate professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Oregon. Originally from Massachusetts, he studied music and environmental science as an undergraduate at the University of Rochester, and he received his PhD in soil and environmental biogeochemistry at Stanford University. Following a post-doc at Stanford, Matt worked at the U.S. Agency for International Development as a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow. Matt was a professor of Soil Science for 7 years at N.C. State University prior to joining the UO in 2017. At the UO, he studies and teaches about hydrogeochemical processes controlling contaminants in soils, sediments, and groundwater. In his free time, he enjoys being outside, playing music, and (most especially) trying to keep up with his two energetic and very silly daughters. His favorite class period is recess, where he likes to hang by the swing sets and swoon the ladies with his dashing smile, impeccable fashion, and shiny gold chain.

Office: 225C Cascade Hall Phone: 541-346-5217 Email:

Markus Koeneke, Lab Manager

Markus is a former MS student, lab manager, and undergrad researcher returning to the lab. He first joined the lab back at NC State as an undergrad and followed the lab about 3,000 miles across the country. His interests are in soil and water biogeochemistry and understanding how contaminants and carbon move in our environment.   He enjoys learning about soils and their biogeochemical properties that can be used to mitigate environmental contaminants. In his free time, he enjoys disc golf, hiking, reading, and watching nature documentaries.

Office: 222 Pacific Hall Phone: 541-346-2640 Email:

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Fatai Balogun, PhD Student

Fatai Balogun is originally from Nigeria, where he graduated with a B.S. in Geology from Obafemi Awolowo University in 2012. Also, he graduated with a M.S. in Geosciences in 2017 from Georgia State University. His B.S. project focused on the measurement of radiation exposure due to naturally occurring radionuclides in Gemstone mining. His M.S. Thesis investigated the effect of time and temperature on Ultisol and Mollisol.  At the University of Oregon, he is working to understand the chemical and mineralogical controls on release of heavy metals from sediments into ground water. He is also interested in processes that enhance the cycling of redox sensitive metals within the Earth’s Critical Zone. In the future, he would like to work at a multidisciplinary research institute where he could collaborate with scientists from different fields to proffer sustainable solutions to arrays of environmental problems of the 21st century.  When Fatai is not spending countless hours in school, he’s an avid fan of soccer and motor racing. He also enjoys watching documentaries about ancient civilizations.

Office: 222 Pacific Hall Phone: 541-346-2640 Email:

Chelsea Obeidy, PhD Student

Chelsea Obeidy is a PhD student who is excited to be diving into the world of environmental soil chemistry. She will be focusing her research on contaminant transport within the Critical Zone. Her current goal is to figure out how, and where she is going to do this. She earned her B.S. in Environmental Science from Humboldt State University. Her previous research focused on ecological restoration, wildland soil science, and geotechnical engineering. During her free time, she loves to dance, travel, and garden.

Office: 222 Pacific Hall Phone: 541-346-2640 Email:

August Harrell, PhD Student

August is originally from Atlanta GA, where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences from Georgia Institute of Technology and an Associate’s Degree in Mathematics from Georgia State University. His interests in nature, environmental conservation, research, and chemistry eventually led him down the rabbit hole of soil and water geochemistry, where he remains to this day. Currently, August is looking into the effects of alkaline wildfire ash on soil and water systems post-burn. In addition to this project, he is interested in the potential of newly mobile contaminants associated with permafrost melt and resulting anaerobic wetlands. August enjoys spending time outdoors, climbing, making art, taking care of plants, and reading.

Office: 222 Pacific Hall Phone: 541-346-2640 Email:

Former Lab Members


  • Jason John, Undergraduate Research Assistant: 2019

  • Zhang Sili, Undergraduate Research Assistant: 2019

  • Charlotte Klein, Undergraduate Researcher: 2018-2021

  • Katie Fischer, Undergraduate Researcher, 2018-2019; currently at Roseburg Library

  • Gabbie LaFayette, MS Student, 2017-2019; currently a Field Geologist at Environmental Resources Group

  • Rachael Cleveland, Undergraduate Researcher, 2017-2018; currently a MS student at UH-Manoa

  • Fusheng Sun, Visiting PhD Student, 2017-2018; currently a Lecturer at Tianjin University

  • Maia Fitzstevens, MS Student, 2016-2019; currently at the Silent Spring Institute

  • Sarah Dance, Undergraduate Researcher, 2016-2017; currently a MS student at UW-Madison

  • Rebekah Middleton, Undergraduate Researcher, 2016-2017; currently an undergraduate at NC State University

  • Jessica Cain, MS Student, 2013-2017; currently at the USGS

  • Elizabeth Gillispie, MS and PhD Student, 2012-2017; currently a Postdoc at PNNL

  • Jonathan Sawyer, MR Student, 2016-2017; currently at the EPA

  • Mac Jones, Research Technician, 2016-2017; currently a PhD student at UC-Boulder

  • Ling Ou, PhD Student, 2013-2017; currently at Scott's Miracle Gro

  • Audrey Matteson, Research Specialist, 2011-2016; currently at Franklin-Christoph

  • Lily Schacht, REU Student, 2016; currently a PhD student at UW-Madison

  • Iris Holzer, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2016; currently a PhD student at UC-Davis

  • Kris McSwain, PhD Student, USGS

  • Sadhana Anantha, Superstar High School Researcher, 2014-2016; currently an undergraduate at the University of Miami

  • Alyssa Burns, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2014-2016

  • Loïc Chevrel, REU Student, 2015; currently a MS student at University of Durham

  • Erika Andujar, REU Student, 2015; currently a MS student at City College of New York City

  • Allison Sams, Research Assistant, 2013-2015; currently a MS student at Clemson University

  • Rebecca Barnes, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2015

  • Matt Church, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2013-2015

  • Terri Williams, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2013-2014; currently a MS student in Horticulture at NC State

  • Nelson Rivera, Post Doctoral Scholar, June 2014-September 2014; currently is a Post Doctoral Scholar at Duke University

  • DJ Mahoney, MS Student, 2012-2014; currently works at Dupont

  • Christine Knight, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2013-2014; currently a MS student at the University of Michigan

  • Adam Steurer, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2012-2013

  • Ethan Lineberger, MR student, 2011-2013; currently at Lineberger’s Maple Springs Farm

  • Cory Connell, Research Assistant, 2013; currently an environmental consultant

  • Taylor Barto, Research Assistant, 2012-2013; currently a MS student at NC State in Bio&Ag Engineering

  • Fatemeh Mohammadshirazi, Research Assistant, 2012

  • Stephanie Haines, Research Assistant, 2011-2012; currently at BASF

  • Laura Moses, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2011

  • Lori Saal, Research Technician, 2010


Visit with us

Our lab: 210 Pacific Hall, University of Oregon

Copyright © 2018 Matt Polizzotto

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